Thursday 28 May 2009


It has been another very warm day today and Milly has been paddling in the water trough again. She will certainly be pleased to have her fleece removed on Saturday, which is shearing day here at Barnacre.

Milly, who has a huge fine fleece is one of the pregnant girls we have for sale, she is a daughter of EP Cambridge Accoyo Remarque who has many show winning progeny.

Veruschka's new son (who has yet to be named) is doing really well. In fact he has put on weight in his first 24 hours which is a first for us, we have never had a cria gain weight on the first day before.
Whilst on the subject of cria, Paul has finally agreed to allow me to call Kate's little girl Barnacre Midnight Star, Star to her friends. She is full of mischief, you can certainly tell she is related to Horatio!
Keeping on the cria topic, you may recall when Heidi was born she had a floppy ear which I had taped up. It is now just perfect and the tape has been removed. She was very well behaved this evening when I took the tape off which couldn't have been very nice for her.

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Ah....lovley little babies !!..we are still waiting, hope all goes well on Saturday with the shearing....Jayne