Friday 10 June 2011

Shearing part 2

I was on tender hooks all night worrying about what the weather had in store for today as we were booked in to shear the bulk of the herd following the rain interrupting the last time.

Thankfully I woke at 4am to a bright dry  sky, I decided that 4am was a little early even for me so I decided to dozed for a little while longer.

The girls were relaxing before our shearer, James Dixon arrived, Princess Mallika was once again using her Daughter Ellie May as a pillow.
 Willow was being more considerate and letting her daughter use her!
Shearing all went according to plan and despite some very black clouds heading over at one point it stayed dry. 

Sahara couldn't quite work out what was happening to her mum Sienna who was screeching throughout her ordeal.

Thankfully Carol and Dave were on hand to help out today, thanks guys I really do appreciate it.  I'm not sure what I'd do without them sometimes.

I now have lots of gorgeous fleece to get skirted, ooh it is so exciting!


Apple Vale Alpacas said...

How cute are those 'pillow' pictures?!

Unknown said...

Especially love the Willow photo...soo cute!

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the new 'experience' and were happy to get skirting and get spinning so I can get knitting.....

Rosemary said...

Lovely photos - especially Willow!
Glad sharing went well - but 4am is far too early!