Friday 22 July 2011

Alpaca love

It has been another busy day, albeit with routine jobs, but as I'm sure all those alpaca breeders out there will agree even routine jobs are pleasurable when you have such a good view.

Our youngest two cria, Jam-Packed and Piccolina are full of energy and very much the best of friends, where Piccolina runs Jam-Packed isn't far behind.
This evening we had two more matings to do, Lucia is very well grown and had been showing a lot of interest in the boys so we decided to see what she thought to Loki.  She was clucking away before he'd even got in the mating pen and dropped like a stone the minute he sniffed her.  Sat the other side of the pen were her friends Meketaten, Layla and Freyja; they are all younger and smaller than Lucia so they will have to wait until the spring before they are mated.
Also on the list to be mated was Palm-Olive, she is a very impressive Accoyo Remarque girl and we had lined up Gianmarco's Masterpiece for her.  As you can see she is never far away from her mum Molly, so she insisted on watching  over proceedings, until Marky sniffed her that is. Molly is already pregnant to Legend of Spartacus.
Palm-Olive and her mum Molly (with Portamento, her male cria) are for sale, to be honest I'm surprised Palm-Olive hasn't been snapped up as she has an impressive pedigree and a fantastic fleece which was admired when it went off for processing.


Rosemary said...

I'm suprised about Palm-Olive - she is lovely!

Jam-Packed has really taken my fancy - it's the eyes and nose!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Its great to watch the babies, whilst getting on with the jobs....mind you, I often find myself getting distracted !!......Jayne

Knapper Alpakka said...

That first photo is just wonderful! You can't see enough crias, can you?