Monday 11 June 2012

Lots of loving & a strange device

There is never a dull day here, well unless you're talking weather anyway!  This morning we had a couple of men arrive with some strange devices......
Whilst the men were doing what they came for Gianmarco's Masterpiece had a very exciting meeting booked with our White Supreme Champion girl Casiphia.  Following shearing at the weekend she was up for some loving.  Being a maiden she wasn't too sure what was expected of her when Marky arrived in the pen but she soon settled down and looked longingly into his eyes!

This evening it was the turn of Golden Guinea to see Sienna (daughter of Nefertiti) , during her showing career she was the Brown Champion at the Yorkshire Show in 2010, so we hope this union will produce something special.

I had planned to use Sandstorm as well tonight but thought I'd wait until tomorrow as we have some spit offs to do and I like the boys to get a mating after they've done spit offs, so he can earn his mating!! 

As for the new additions, I forgot to get a photo before they had gone to bed so you will have to wait until tomorrow to find out more.

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