Friday 1 June 2012

Chick chick chick chick chicken....

We have had a busy day with a difference today, Carol and Dave came to do a bit of gardening.  Well I say gardening, its more excavating!!  We are getting the veggie plot ready.

Unfortunately the builders definition of top soil is clearly rather different from mine.  It is full of rocks, rubble, clay and goodness knows what else.

Mum, Dad, Carol, Dave and I have been at it all day and we've hardly done any, in fact we haven't even got a quarter of the way across.  It is going to need countless tons of alpaca manure on  it.

Last weekend we took on two little maran chicks, they are so friendly, Ron and Eve as they were named are happily wandering round the farm yard and are constantly under your feet.  Here they are helping Carol!

and checking for anything edible.

I forgot to take a before and after photo of the veggie plot so you will just have to believe what a state it was.

On the alpaca front Liberty continues to cause mayhem, Liberty by name, Liberty by nature.

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