Tuesday 24 July 2012

New additions

I'm pleased to report that Princess Mallika is now a model mum and her new daughter who we have named Karishma, meaning Miracle, is doing just fine.  She still isn't allowed more than a few inches away without Mallika freaking out!
Isn't she gorgeous, she is our first cria from Sandstorm and we are really please with her.  When I weighed her this evening she has gained 230grams in day one despite her lonely night.

Sandstorm is fawn but from two white parents so we weren't sure if he would produce colour, but as you can see this little girl is a fab colour.

The other exciting new addition to our farm is Angora goats!!!!  We went to collect them late yesterday afternoon when it was safe to leave the birthing alpacas.

 They are so calm and friendly, we have 8 in total.  The eagle eyed amongst you my have noticed 9 in the above photo (keep reading).

The girls and boys (6 & 2) happily walked into the trailer ready for their drive back to Liberty Hill Farm.  They spent the night in the barn as I wanted to worm them before I let them out onto the hill and it was getting late when wee got back.

After a cosy night in the shed they went out on mass exploring...

We are really pleased with them, they are really friendly and other than an exchange of glances neither them or the alpacas seem bothered by each other.

Now to explain number nine, otherwise known as Arthur, he was the big chap on the left hand side of the photo.  He is another calm and sociable goat who is looking for a new home, hasn't he got the most quizzical face.

Arthur will eat your nettles and thistles and is free to a good home so if anyone is interested get in touch and I will put you in touch with his owner.  I did have a twinge of guilt when I took all his friends away, but he still has lots of sheep friends to keep him going until he finds a new home.


Unknown said...

They are fab I love Angora goats. How much more interesting than shelving??? Maybe a tad!

Rosemary said...

Oh yes, they are gorgeous!
And your sandstorm cria!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Lovely Sandstorm baby...what a carry on ! She is gorgeous ...the Angora goats are lovely poor Arthur, is he a castrated male ..or a Billy goat ? hope he finds a nice new home soon....Jayne

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

You need to ask Karishma what she survived on that first night - foraging like Bear Grylls seems to have done her no harm.