Saturday 14 July 2012


Today we have been at Otterburn Village Festival with the alpacas and our knitwear range.  As always the alpacas drew a crowd despite the appalling weather.

We had a dry start however due to the amount of rain we've had in the week there were some people being towed onto the field, we for once managed to get on under our own steam; getting off was a slightly different matter though!

Unfortuntately this afternoon the heavens opened and we had torrential rain which is a real shame, there is so much effort goes into organising an event like this, and it's all to raise money for the air ambulance and help the hero's.

Whilst we were at the show the ducklings were in the capable hands of dad, he was in charge of humidity and the heat lamp.  Amazingly the two ducklings that weren't looking too clever last night are looking a lot better. 

One now has it's leg and foot in a splint as it's very wonky, hopefully it will survive.  It will certainly be given every chance to thrive here.

I was so worried that Yoko wouldn't have any friends to play with this morning that Gill and Ross came to the rescue and picked me up another duckling so now there are four under the heat lamp; oh yes and four slightly older runner ducks as well.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Sorry you had a wet day - but not surprised - we had thunder and lots of rain this afternoon.