Wednesday 12 September 2012

Where does the time go

Another busy day on the farm, but then again you would expect nothing else when you have almost 70 alpacas, over 200 sheep, 8 goats, 6 ducks, 30 plus hens, 14 chicks, 3 cats and Paul to look after!!

We also has a visit from Hilary whose girls are on livery here.  It was great to get hold of her cria and rummage through fleece and compare the different fleece types.  I always find it fascinating how cria fleeces change and evolve.

Chiquita's little man (who we are still unable to agree a name for) has started a course of antibiotics today.  The poor little chap as a very sore foot, I have no idea what he has been up to but there is certainly something in there or been in there.

Bridie; not Birdie as she seems to keep getting called, is still doing well with her casts, she is gain weight nicely, in fact she is gaining so much weight I'm not sure her casts are going to be able to stay on until next Thursday when she's booked in to the vets.  They are starting to fit rather snugly!

We also did a few spit offs, Gabby here had her beady eye on the stud well before he arrived, she is so funny at spit off time, there is no need to get her in the pen, she soon lets you know what is going on!


Shirley said...

Good move with all your new hens Debbie. Glad you've got a cockerel too - all hen houses should have one to keep the ladies in order! Shirley & Robbie

Judi B said...

Who is the most work though...alpacas, sheep, hens, ducks or....Paul??!!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I can see exactly where Duke gets that stare from !! Its like looking in the mirror and he obviously takes after his mum for nature .... I think the Lady of Barnacre is the most worked !.... Jayne