Wednesday 18 May 2011

Poo, puss and Charlie

Shortly after breakfast the girls spotted something, Oonagh is always chief spot and was straight over with Little Miss Irraquoy, Lualeni (and Neelie who needed a drink!) and Geena.
It took me a while but I eventually spotted what they had seen, Charlie Fox!  Alpacas do make fantastic guardians.

This photo gives you some idea of the distance away from them.

I have been doing some serious poo picking today, it seemed to be getting the better of me so I set about making the fields spotless.  Quite some time and a lot of petrol later the fields were clean, well they were for a few minutes anyway.  Don't you wish cleaning the house was as enjoyable as cleaning the fields.

I managed to snap Minimus with Lucia one of his weanling mates, in fact she is his foster mum!  It shows how tiny he really is. 

My lame lamb is a little better today, although there was still a fair bit of puss that needed removing.  Poor little thing knows what's coming as soon as I go in the field and he scarpers.  Hopefully in a couple more days he will be back to normal, I really don't know what he'd got in there but something obviously  had.

Tonight I have  been to a local knitting and spinning group.  It made a nice change and I learnt how to crochet a flower too; I'm not sure it's quite up to the sort of standard I would like though.  As in the school report need to try harder!


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

The alpacas miss nothing...I know from my lot..if there is anything strange on the move...Minimus is gorgeous.......and has your location... changed ? !! The views are definitely different !!.....Jayne

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

No Jayne not yet! This is still the rented land looking down to Alan's. The wood has now come down though so it does look different.

Denise said...

Have you given the lamb an injection of glamoyl LA, it's a brilliant antibiotic, any lamb with anything wrong with it gets a quick injection of it. Also there is a very good antibiotic spray called bactokill (not sure if that's way it's spealt) it clears up everythig, just don't get it in a cut on your hand, cos it stings!!!! Hope the lamb recovers quickly