Friday 5 August 2011

Play time

It  has been another lovely day so I have been dismantling more fencing.  I was determined not to let this one particular post beat me.  It would not budge, even cursing it didn't help!

After tweeting about it I received a number of encouraging texts and tweets, mainly suggesting I use the tractor.  That was going to be my final straw.

Whilst I regained some strength I decided to sit on the bench and have a cup of tea whilst watching the littlies.  The are great to watch and I had the camera with me so I can share the pleasure with you.

They were full of energy and mischief.  Golden Guinea's latest three cria Nadia (front), Brinley (middle) and Piccolina at the back are all great friends.  Jam Packed is usually there too but he was busy having elevenses from the milk bar when I took this.
Brinley can pose just like his daddy.......
Nadia and Piccolina were watching wondering what he was up to!
After my tea break I didn't actually get back to the fencing, I nipped over to Carol's to pick up some more knitting she's done and get some sheep food from Cowans.

So after tea this evening Paul and I removed the last of the posts and rails.  That leaved the field shelter and the stile's to remove tomorrow.  It sounds like we will be doing that in the rain which won't be very pleasant.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

The babies are looking extra gorgeous !..hope it doesn't rain too much !!.......Jayne

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Nice photos Debbie - last weekend I removed a fence post using the scissor jack from the boot of the car - the post had a notch cut into it, and with a short piece of wood tucked into the notch and bearing onto the jack, I wound it up and the post rose majestically out of the ground!