Friday 11 November 2011

Judging the judges judging (Paul)

Day 2 at the Border Mill in Coldstream and as we continue to work our way through 152 fleeces, madness is starting to set in - or at least become rather more noticeable:

  • Rob has now used up his repertoire of UK accents (and beyond),
  • Shirley has cycled to Aberdeen and back,
  • I have created all the anagrams possible from the word 'fleece' and nearly convinced Rob that Twitter is quite fun (follow us @barnacrealpacas)
  • Debbie has counted all the 'contaminated' fawn fibres in the white fleeces,
  • John has worked out how many calories come from eating a biscuit after each fleece (and then wrecked the calculation by sneaking a blueberry muffin),
  • Melanie has used up all her band-aid and neurofen to keep her finger working,
  • and Juliet - has kept the mill spotless, the fleeces (and children) all in order (on the neat matching shelving - the fleeces are on here, not the children) and has nearly worked out what the 3 poles are protruding from the window - you really need to visit the mill to follow me on that one.

Anyway, how about I shut up and show you some pictures.


John said...

Well, as no-one else has commented, I will! Rob continued to extend his repertoire of accents, this time focusing on Australian. Led to an entertaining final judging session - zooming through the last 20-odd fleeces in no time!

Alpaca Lady said...

I have assisted in many fleece rooms during judging, so I had a wonderful laugh at this posting!

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Thanks John and Alpaca Lady - sanity has almost been restored!