Thursday 3 November 2011

Puss in ear not boots

Loki has an abscess in his ear, today I have been removing the puss and bathing it and he has a rather fetching blue ear.  I think one of the other boys has bit it as there has been a fair bit of argy bargey between them lately.

Do you think an alpaca can be prone to abscesses?  Loki has a big abscess on his side about this time last year that took ages to heal.

The tup  (who you can still vote to name at continues to wander, he seems to want to be friends with Golden Guinea, they are both a pair of posers so make a good pair, Guinea is now in a sheep proof field though.


Unknown said...

We have a female (Katkin) who has had 2 abscesses, but we have put it down to Cydectin as both were injection sites? I guess like us, some will have better immunity to infections than others? Maybe they are lacking something vit/mineral wise...I am going to have to think about it now.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I have one old girl who has abscess trouble....Ive had one or two over the old girl has had problems and she has an old one which I think is tooth related...thankfully it drains and doesn't cause any swelling..just have to keep it clean and hope that oneday it will go away...Ive had the vet lance it last year...but it re-apperared behind the first one !.....I just keep a close eye on her...and treat it, as and when !......she isnt at all bothered by it.....but its not healed yet !.......Jayne