Friday 15 June 2012

Olympic Torch comes (nearly) to Barnacre Alpacas

This morning after an early start I managed to get a very rare few hours off to go and see the Olympic torch passing through Morpeth.  For once I was actually clean, Paul was obviously impressed because he found the need to tell the world on Twitter - I'm not that bad honest!

We were lucky enough to be able to watch the precession from Sonja, one of Paul's business partners office.  The poor crowds outside must've been freezing, and very wet.  Paul was enjoying soaking up the atmosphere, as you can tell from the attached movie!
The crowds were amazing, as you can see Amii and I had a great view.
The build up was fantastic, which is a good job as the torch was a little late. 
And finally here's the torch. 
On the alpaca front, Kate, our grey girl is looking huge, she's not actually due until the beginning of July but if she lasts that long it will be amazing.  This is one birth that I am worried about, having been so ill last year I'm not sure how Kate managed to hold on to her pregnancy and what effect all the drugs will have had on her unborn baby.


Rosemary said...

Wow! You are looking very glamorous (not that you don't in your wellies)!
Hope Kate's birth is easy with a healthy outcome.

Weavers Wood Alpacas said...

Great pictures. Good luck with the birth..

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Looking very Glam !! Indeed.
Paul obviously has grown accustomed to all that beauty at Barnacre ! Hope all goes well with Kate and the pending arrival ......Jayne