Monday 8 June 2009

Naming ceremony

Little Blossom has taken a giant leap forward today and has managed to suckle from mum on a few occasions. I have been trying all day to point her in the right direction but she hadn't quite managed it until this evening.

Having sucked almost every inch of Blossoms undercarriage except the right inch, I know she'd find it in the end. Then came that great sound we all love to hear when a newborn cria finds the milk bar. She's far from finding it easy and there is still a long way to go but at least we are getting there.

We have had a visit from the vet today who gave a positive opinion on 'Little Blossom', she has also had the nod from Alan Thompson (our farmer friend). So we have decided that we can now name her, and at least one regular blog reader will approve, we have called her Zahirah, which is Arabic and meaning shining & Blossoming.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

How Dare you !!....pinching the 'Z's.... I thought I was the only one on the Z theme...I do like her name albeit it leaving me with a few more up my sleeve and I few to 'make-up' by the time September comes....she's got to thrive now with a classy name like that. Best wishes.....Jayne x

Rob @ Wellground said...

Sounds like you are winning the battle Debbie. Good work. A wacky name though ;o))


Knapper Alpakka said...

It's really good to see the new one getting stronger! Keep us updated :-)

Patou Alpacas said...

Well done guys. I do think you've been seeing too much of Jayne though!

Lucy said...

Delighted that she is suckling now. She will get there. Nice name!!! I will never remember it as I have all Jayne's to remember too!