Wednesday 10 June 2009

Off to see boyfriends

I am pleased to report that Zahirah continues to improve, her teeth have come through today and she is getting further up on her pasterns. She even managed to chase a chicken today, she is such a little sweetie.

Paul headed off down to Fowberry Alpacas this morning with three girls in the trailer. Two girls, Mary and Imala hadn't held their pregnancies over winter and Willow had sadly had a stillborn cria earlier in the year.

I had to stay back here, we have two girls overdue, one of which, Gabby, is the size of a house and looks like birthing imminently. Not only this I have chickenpox, yes chickenpox!!

I thought Mary may be an issue as she was a bit of a pest when it came to mating last year. She was well behaved though and it was Imala who didn't want to sit. Having driven for three hours this was not an option. Hopefully they will all take first time as it's a bit of a drive for rematings.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Good news about Zahirah, sorry to hear that you have chickenpox !!...what next...did you catch this from your niece !..Get well soon.....Jayne

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

I've no idea where I caught them from, I don't know anyone who has had them recently or been near anyone that has.