Monday 22 June 2009

A positive start to the week

This week has got to be a better one, and what better way to start it than with a new baby!

Gabby finally gave birth this morning at 367 days to a lovely little boy. She was that quick I missed the birth. I thought when I gave the girls their breakfast that she was going to give birth today, so I quickly went to feed the boys and the weanlings.

By the time I got back to the girls field she had already given birth, passed the placenta and the little chap was up on his feet and very mobile! How quick was that.

We are still thinking of a name so I will keep you posted on that one.


janet said...

Hello Debbie, Glad to see Gabby has finally given birth, and what a lovely looking boy he is. I will be waiting to see what his name will be.Looking forward to seeing himwhen i am up there soon.xx

Lucy said...

Well done. He looks great. Can't wait to see a close up shot. Is he light fawn?

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Hi Debbie,
Congratulations on your new arrival, we are all thinking of you here at Zanzibah Alpacas, my parents send their regards as they are visiting me on a little holiday, speak to you soon...keep positive and strong, take care....Jayne X

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Pleased to hear your latest news after your difficult time recently.