Saturday 3 September 2011

Hill update

After the morning feed rounds we set about cutting the big boys toe nails, they were all well behaved, even Legend who let me cut all eight nails with his feet on the floor.  This was a new tactic I thought I'd try with him as he is a bet (or rather a lot) of a pest when it comes to toe nails.  It worked very well with only one little dancing moment where he didn't want to keep his foot still.

We have left all the little boys as we have visitors tomorrow coming for some husbandry experience.

Next on the job list was a spot of grass cutting, I think it is going to take some time, you may just spot me in the distance.
Am I nearly done yet..... 

The ground work is coming on, it seems to be taking ages but there is a lot to do, this is where the house and shed will be going in time.

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Wow....what a massive excavation...I have spotted you in the distance...I think you might be there a while !....going by the photo !!.........Jayne