Thursday 24 May 2012

Little Miss Irraquoy delivers a surprise

The morning started misty again, well it was 4.45am when I did the first check on the girls, but that soon burnt off and it turned into another scorcher.

Little Miss Irraquoy decided that today would be a good day to introduce her cria to the big wide world.  I thought this morning that she would have it today.

I could see from the yard that Irraquoy was up to something so off I headed with my birthing box and the camera.  Within a minute or two of pushing out popped a head and two feet; so far so good.  A couple more pushes and we had a neck and shoulders which revealed a fawn patch, the more Irraquoy pushed the more the fawn appeared!

Here he is being inspected by the girls..
LMI is white and Gianmarco is white, and both of them are from whites so we weren't expecting a multi, but hey ho as long as he's happy and healthy I'm not complaining.

It took him a while to master his legs, he even tried using his neck as a fifth leg to see if that helped.
He has a lovely face, with Irraquoys dark skin and his patchwork fleece he is going to be an eye catcher.

 Here's the little man dried off and catching a few rays.  All we need to do now is think of a name!


Rosemary said...

He looks lovely, Debbie - and very strong!

Anonymous said...

He is adorable x x. Loved how the "girls" where checking him out as soon as he was born x x. Love Grania x

Llama Karma said...

Don't you just love surprises, we had the same last year, fawn on fawn and got a three coloured fancy. He looks very nice and strong.

Unknown said...

Yes part of the fun...we got a white male out of two fawns last year...but doesn't LMI's wee one look lovely.

Bev said...

Gorgeous. Do you specialise in long legged cria?, or is it your camera angle? you must have been lying flat on the grass to get that last shot.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Congratulations on your lovely little surprise ! Fancy you having a 'Fancy' just goes to show ....mother nature has the final say matter how hard those selections are ! Jayne