Monday 28 May 2012

No wind turbines here!

This morning bought another close call with our fence line, this time with part of a massive wind turbine.  I didn't like them at the best of times!

This photo shows you the scale of things.

By this evening they have managed to recover the cab and trailer but the turbine remains.  They are going to have to build a platform to put a big crane on to lift the 20 tonne tube up.  We didn't have all these problems with our solar panels.

On the alpaca front Nefertiti has now joined the list of full udders, she usually ends up resembling a cow by the time she births.  So who will it be Willow, Nefers, Ursula or Star.  Keep posted to find out.


Rosemary said...

That is HUGE! We nearly ended up living next to one of those!!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I hate them at the best of times ...carbunkles on the countryside, glad you managed to avoid that monstrosity !! ......Jayne

Unknown said...

Oops...did the driver fall asleep I wonder...or was it blown over! Who would have thought that you would have such entertainment on the hill!

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

I suspect the driver was mesmerised by your alpacas - hope he was o.k

BillG said...

According to BBC News this Chinese (!) tower section is 45m long (147ft) and weighs 56 tonnes.

They are having to ship in 600 tonnes of hardcore to provide hard standing for the large cranes needed to recover it.

For 5 working days traffic will be diverted for long distances, with adverse affects on local tourist businesses and residents.

To see what the people of Northumberland think of the speculators who are trashing our "far horizons" see the latest photo of this turbine on the Windbyte website:

Andrew said...

You would have thought someone in the north-east could have knocked up a steel tube without shipping it from China. Can you claim it as salvage ?