Wednesday 30 May 2012

With a poke here and a prod there

Despite the protruding cria from Willow's side yesterday she decided that today wasn't a good day for having a baby.  Maybe she saw the forecast for tomorrow, rain, and thought she would hang on.

The girls are getting ready for a change of grass, there isn't an awful lot left on their current field but I'm planning on keeping them in there another week, then they can move onto fresh grass.  Each new field is causes even more excitement than usual as it is all new to them!

There are lots of girls with bulges now, this is Star's back end all the time now, she can't have much room left in there at all, she has over a week to go to reach her personal average gestation so we will see if she lasts.  I'm hoping all these girls don't birth on Monday whilst we're at the Northumberland County Show.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Your bulges look bigger than my bulges!!