Wednesday 9 May 2012

Save all your kisses for me

The weather has been lovely today but despite this and the fact that Sienna and Lualeni are at 355 and 348 day respectively there have been no more babies.

Leonidas is full of life and dying to have someone to play with, he is having to play chase the chicken at the minute so I suspect the chickens are looking forward to the next arrival too!

Here he is returning to mum having woke up Lady Godiva who was sunbathing.

Oonagh and Leonidas are extremely loving and despite Oonagh letting him get on with whatever takes his fancy they exchange lots of kisses.

The sun meant lots of sunbathing was called for.

This afternoon I did a spot of poo picking, it has to be said that it has taken a bit of a sidestep lately what with lambing etc.  I have just been emptying the muck truck onto what will be my veggie plot and the chickens are doing a good job of spreading it until I get round to digging it in.

When I emptied the first load I tipped out a nest of mice!  They had obviously built a nest in there in whilst it was parked up in the shed, luckily they hadn't eaten through the pipe.  We had to replace it when we first came up here as mice had chewed a hole in it when it was stored in one of the shelters at Angerton.


janet said...

Hi Debbie,I really like the pictures. Oonagh and Leonidas look so cute having a mother and son moment.Looking forward to him in person

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

What a lovely new arrival....he looks a real sweetie, great to see them enjoying the sun and a little kiss ...Jayne

Unknown said...

Sooo cute!

Grania said...

Oh he looks perfect ...lovely pic of him and his mum kissing x X .....Grania X X