Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Double wrapped for extra warmth

My word was it cold and blowy this morning, so much so I put an extra coat on little Palm-Olive. She seemed very happy with two coats on and when we weighed her tonight she had put on over 300gm in 24 hours so she's doing just fine.

Here she is getting acquainted with my mum.

The wind was so strong at one point she was almost being blown off her feet. Thankfully by tea time the sun was shining and it was lovely.

Willow and Aria are quite rightly hanging on to their babies until the weather improves.

In preparation for the new arrivals I have been making another cria coat today, I thought I'd better make a couple more if the weather is going to be bad and I have more babies due.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

What an excellent idea, nice photos of your mum and Palm-Olive...hope the weather is going to get better over the weekend....especially for the new babies.....Jayne

L said...

Nice jacket! Hope it is stuffed with alpaca thirds for that genuine wet biscuit alpaca smell! Your mum looks impressed with Palm-Olive. P-O is gorgeous.

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Yes the jacket is stuffed with alpaca thirds, and Palm-Olive seems to like it!