Sunday, 7 June 2009

Little Blossom update

Little Blossom, as Paul is currently calling the new baby (we won't name her just yet) is slowly gaining strength and increasing her milk intake. We are now at 2 hourly feeds which was certainly a blessing overnight!

We reunited her with Blossom last night whilst we did one of the many milking sessions and were relieved by the reaction from both of them. Blossom was humming and licking her baby and the baby finally had a wee - I'm struggling to get her to do anything from that end.

She still has little control over her neck or legs however does have the odd burst of energy and strength to look round and try and stand. She has managed to hold her own weight a few times now and we are persevering with this as the sooner we can reunite her to mum the better for both of them.

After 30 odd hours in the shelter Blossom and her shelter dwelling companions Willow and Chiquita everyone was getting very fed up at the confinement. So after last nights milking we have let Blossom out. Catching her for milking has now become a major operation!!


L said...

She looks lovely - sparkling white! I hope she enjoys being back with mum and has some milk from her. Good work!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Good to hear that she is gaining strength, hopefully aas each day goes by she will get a little stronger....wishing you all well for the future.....Jayne