Sunday 4 April 2010

29 calories

We have had a visit from our friend Carol today, she came laden with some really exciting goodies. Firstly her latest batch of knitting, all new designs and very nice; you'll have to wait for photo's though.

Not only has she been knitting she has been making buttons too!!! I'd mentioned when I last saw her that I fancied making my own 'natural' buttons and hey presto Carol arrived with some she and Dave have made. They're fantastic, I love them, so she headed off home to rescue some more branches and twigs to get Dave working on more. They are so good to me.

As well as all this she also bought me some little Easter chocs to nibble on whilst I was knitting. I was going to hide them from Paul so I could eat them when he was away next week, but he spotted them. He then kindly pointed out that according to the knitting shop I dragged him in yesterday you only burn up 29 calories an hour knitting, so I could eat much chocolate. I told him I'd knit faster!!

Finally I am pleased to announce that my sister-in-law has given birth today to a bouncing baby boy. Poor Jodi has been in labour since Thursday so it's been a long job; I bet she wishes she was an alpaca!


Rosemary said...

I am sure knitting uses up far more calories than that!
Congratulations to your sister-in- law, a big relief after all that time I should think!

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

I'm sure it does too!

And I'm sure it was a big relief to my sister-in-law as Archie was 9lb 12oz!!


I had a labor like that and a son who weighed 10lbs, 2 ounces. Born on Ground Hogs Day, he just didn't want to see his shadow.
Debbie, I've been wanting to ask:
How many alpacas are in GB these days?

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

That sounds painful Linda!

There are about 30,000 alpacas in the UK, I've just tried to get an exact number off the BAS register but I can't :-(