Saturday 3 April 2010

Easter treats all round

Well it has been a typical Bank Holiday weather wise, not at all nice!

The poor alpacas are once again wet and the fields muddy, not only that it has turned cold. This winter feels like it has lasted ages, spring must be round the corner surely.

As the weather was not good we nipped into Morpeth, I needed some buttons for three garments that have been knitted. I bought two lots, one for the scarf from my hand spun yarn and a set for the cowl that Carol has knitted for me.

I then went into another shop and ended up buying two more sets for the same items I'd just bought for; they were really nice, I couldn't resist. These are both handmade and one set is made from coconut shell. I'll just have to knit another two items for the original buttons. Typically though I didn't manage to find anything suitable for the hat in either shop.

Whilst we were out and about we bought the alpacas an Easter treat; a sack of carrots. Then on the way back we had a lucky find for the sheep ............ two turnips that must have fell out of the farmers trailer!


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

He he...two thats a big Easter Egg !..for the sheep..Im hoping you bring the sunshine up here with you !....I'm counting on you ! ......Jayne

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

2 turnips! - ha ha! life doesn't get any better does it? who needs the Lottery? looks like we're all in for some (much needed) sunshine tomorrow. Dave.