Sunday 15 August 2010

I am alive!

Firstly apologies for the lack of blog last night, my daily blogging is that much of a ritual I received a text this morning to make sure I was ok seeing as I'd not blogged! Thank you for your concern.

Yesterday the weather wasn't great so Paul was doing some website updates whilst I was sewing labels into knitwear and trying to keep the kittens in order - that bit wasn't working very well! He was working on the meet the herd section which was out of date and the sales page which shows the latest comings and goings. There are still pages in need of attention so keep your eyes peeled.

I haven't done much of the shop yet but that is because I couldn't get on the machine as Paul was hogging it. I will get there though, honest Carol, bear with me.

Today we have been busy with herd husbandry jobs. Everyone has been given the once over, condition scored and toe nails trimmed where needed, which it has to be said was almost everywhere, even Geena who hardly ever needs hers cutting.

Many of the cria were due their second Lambivac injection and the youngest few were weighed again, which they just take in their stride as it happens so frequently. We also weighed Lucia who is now 28kg and isn't three months old yet.

Katia's little girl is growing nicely she has gained 1.76kg in a week. I will hopefully have a name to share with you all soon, in the meantime I thought you might like to share this photo I took this afternoon.

We also had some spit off's and matings to do, unfortunately Chiquita sat so she will have a meeting with Golden Guinea tomorrow as he was needed for Geena today. We decided that we would try and get some colour our of her next year! Imala had an appointment with Gianmarco's Masterpiece which he thoroughly enjoyed.

We have a quandary with Palm-Olive, one of our last remaining sales girls but more on that tomorrow.


WillowBank Alpacas said...

What a lovely picture, Im sure a name will come soon. Someone has been very lucky........:)

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

What a beautiful picture !!....she looks splendid !!......Jayne

janet said...

What a lovely girl, i hope she gets a lovely name.