Tuesday 31 August 2010

A restful day

I decided to give myself a bit of a day off today - well it is my birthday.

I got some very useful pressies, welly warmers, welly socks and a penknife to name but a few. My new penknife has a screwdriver on it which could be useful as the last one suffered 'an injury' whilst being used as one. I didn't dare tell dad how I'd broke it or I'd get told off for not using the right tool for the job!

My parents arrived bright and early this morning, I think my mum got my poor dad up far too early as he's been yawning all afternoon. Mum & I nipped over to Carols this afternoon to pick up another pair of gloves she'd knitted and some beetroot and when we got back dad was asleep.

Rory has been a good boy and happily taken his bottle from my mum. I was hoping he would as she is alpaca sitting in a couple of weeks for the weekend whilst we are at a show in Berwick with our knitwear.


Rob @ Wellground said...

Happy Birthday to ya.....

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Oh...Debbie..you kept that secret..I was rowing up hay on your B'day.....so Happy Birthday Debbie !....I won't forget that one !!.....Glad you had a lovely day...and your parents have arrived to see you....Jayne

Unknown said...

Belated birthday wishes Debbie!

Rosemary said...

Happy Birthday!
Fell asleep in a chair with my knitting last night so sorry it is late!