Friday 6 August 2010

It's a girl

Well that's another week over with, I can't believe where the year is going.

Today also saw the birth of another cria, this time a lovely solid white girl from Katia and Legend of Spartacus, Katia is one of the EPC girls we have for here for sale.
Katia is one of those girls who is happy to blend into the herd and keep her head down. She has clearly had her head down far too much when the other girls have given birth as things seemed to come as a bit of a shock to her.
In particular when it came to the afterbirth, she clearly had not known what was going on as once the balloon appears and she caught sight of it out of her eye she started screeching and running round in circles. She then managed to stand on it and continue to circle which caused the thing to burst and tear which caused more concern, I think she thought it was her baby!
Eventually she realised it wasn't her baby and she calmed down and began to enjoy motherhood.
I had a visit to the vet booked for the kittens injections this morning but I decided to change it to an afternoon appointment yesterday as I thought something may occur today - how was that for intuition!
Izzie & Tilly were very well behaved at the vets and are now fast asleep, she did say they may be a little drowsy. As I suspected Izzie has a hernia so that will get corrected when she is spayed at the age of 6 months.


Rob @ Wellground said...

Congratulations Debbie, a lovely looking cria. I have seen Katia some time ago when she first came into the UK from Australia, she is indeed a splendid alpaca. Her cria with those genetics should be mighty impressive.


Rosemary said...

She looks lovely, Debbie. Congratulations!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Congratulations...on your lovely new arrival.....Im I right in just have one to come !!.....Jayne