Sunday 16 January 2011


Paul started today finding eggs, yes our hens finally laid us an egg, in fact not one but two eggs (the first for at least 3 months) and finished the day looking like one.

Here are the two edible ones, didn't want to scare you with a photo of Paul.

I'd best explain why he has ended up looking like an egg.  For Christmas he had a new set of hair clippers as his old ones were giving up the ghost.  Anyway I always cut his hair on a short number two, so out with the new clippers and on with guard number two, he decided as it's still rather cold he'd go for a long number two rather than his usual short number two. 

I did a strip up the back of his head and nearly died, it was almost a skin head!!!  Paul doesn't have much hair so treasures what little he has; or should I now say had.  I quickly moved to a number three guard but had to work a bit of magic to try and blend the stripe in the back of his head.  Thankfully he can't see the back.

He was threatening to go in to the field to find a ginger alpaca and borrow a bit of fleece.  I suggested the best match would be Ursula's leg fibre but as I have a use for everything this was already accounted for so tough!  I think my Sarah, my sister in law who bought the clippers did it on purpose so he could use the bald head polish Faith bough him for Christmas.

To take his mind off things I have had him cataloging the latest 20 or so new items which needed adding into the shop.  He's been grumbling about that for the last three hours so it obviously worked and the shop looks like we actually have something to sell again now which is good with Valentine's Day fast approaching.


Llama Karma said...

We had our first egg today too!

Denise said...

Our Sussex hen has been laying eggs all the way through the winter, all be it every other day

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

My hens started laying again....on Friday....Poor Paul !! just as well its at the back !!....sounds like he might need a Hat !!......Jayne