Thursday 13 January 2011

Where's Alan

It has been a long day of a different kind today, after the morning feed we headed off to Nottingham for a last minute flying visit. 

My nanna is poorly in hospital and I wanted to go and see her, it's a long drive on your own so thankfully Paul came with me.  That means we could share the driving, although he did the journey down so I could do some knitting.  I am very behind with this months knitting target.  On a positive note the spinning target is going according to plan.

Mum very kindly had dinner on the table for us when we arrived (mums are great aren't they!).  I was also able to pick up some knitting that mum had been doing for a special order. 

After spending a little time with my niece Faith , who was at mums we headed up to the hospital.  Faith had been playing shops and had bought apples, carrots and some imaginary hay for the alpacas, I had to laugh at Faith, I told her I'd need the tractor to move the hay, so off she ran to the toy box to get the tractor and said "Oh no, I've lost Alan", all tractor drivers are called Alan after our farmer friend.  Anyone who knows Alan will know you never know where he is so this was typical of 'Alan'.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Thinking of you and hoping things are ok with your Nana......and thankfully Alan is a great help, you just have to find him first !!.....jayne

Rosemary said...

Hope all is okay with your Nana