Monday 14 May 2012

The lack of blog last night was due to complete exhaustion!  We had been getting the shed ready for shearing on Wednesday and as the weather was due to turn wet so we needed everyone in.

Typically just before we fetched the girls in it started to rain.  Dave popped over for 'an hour' which turned out to be five hours, to help get the girls in.  Once the channel is finished it will be easy to get everyone in but at the minute it's not a one man job.

With everyone settled and the lambs safely tucked up in bed I was able to iron Paul some shirts for work; it was well after 1am when we got to bed again.

This morning it looked like the girls had had the national herd visit them overnight, there was sooo much poo it was ridiculous.  One plus point our alpaca poo fire brinks are easier to make from poo on the concrete floor.

As the weather men predicted it has been sunshine and showers on and off all day so the alpacas have been in and out like yoyos, but they seem happy enough.

This afternoon we had a visit from a lovely couple exploring the idea of keeping alpacas.  They certainly seemed to enjoy themselves, so much so by the time they left they were rather later for a night out!  I think they were quite hoping Sienna might giver birth so they could have first call on the cria!

Anywaw, it's short and sweet tonight because it's almost half past eleven and the lambs need their supper and I need my bed.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Good luck with the shearing ..... Looks like its going to be an awful week ...according to the forecast !! Jayne

Rosemary said...

Good luck with the shearing - turning wetter here again, can't believe it is half way through May.

Andrew said...

Tell me more about poo bricks !