Sunday 30 August 2009

Showtime and Loki shock

I ran out of time for blogging last night as we had a busy day what with one thing and other. It was certainly an entertaining day.

We had decided that it was time to move the bulk of the girls onto fresh grass that had been rested for a few months. We have left Oonagh and a few companions behind the house until she gives birth - which hopefully wont be long.

As I mentioned on Friday my brother and his family are staying this weekend so made use of the extra help with the move. Colin was on guard to make sure that the first batch of girls moved stayed away from the boys fence line until we got them all together and the three young girls joined the 'big girls'. After they were all in one of the runs we have between fields we were going to move them at a group into the correct field.

This is when the mayhem occurred. I was busy locking the main gate and shutting the little girls gate when I herd my brother yelling to Paul who was at the front of the herd. I figured something was not right so ran up the channel to hear him shouting that there was an extra black one; Loki had jumped the fence!

Out of all the boys to get excited and jump a fence, Loki would be the last you'd put your money on. My brother doesn't see them often so was trying to keep his eye on Loki but once he mixed in with the other blacks he didn't have a clue.

I hoped he would fine Angelus who I knew would sit for him so I could grab hold, but typically he tried sniffing a number of other girls first and got well and truly sent on his way. Eventually he came across Angleus who was too interested in lush green grass to sit; normally she will sit for anyone and everyone (she's a bit of a floozy).

Once he found his mum they were exchanging a few words and sniffing each other all over I managed to grab him. I then nearly killed my brother as he had to run all the way back to the entrance to pick up a halter I knew I'd left there from Urusla earlier in the day.

With Loki returned to his rightful field and the girls on their new grass piece and tranquility soon returned. Heads were down munching in minutes - hopefully they wont eat the grass too quickly as there wont be much more growing time up her.

Today we have been to the Dyke Neuk show with animals and our knitwear. Hughie and Loki were meeting their public and as usual at these sort of events drew in the crowds. There were a few children that remembered them from last year and even remembered Hughie's name - well done girls!

I sold a few bits and pieces, including the gloves I knitted to match that new stripy hat so they wont make it into the shop. I've have to knit another pair as they were very nice.

Anyway it's been a long day and I'm tired so off for some ZZZZZ's.

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Hi Debbie,

Sounds like you have had an interesting weekend !! the show and moving the girls, How could any one forget Hughie !!...he's extra, extra special !!...hope Oonagh has her baby soon....Jayne