Monday 12 July 2010

Tip top pasture management

The last of our visitors left this morning so it is back to normal here now, well almost, Paul is off work this week.

Following the sheep's move at the weekend Paul has been topping the bits they'd not eaten and harrowing, so the field can now rest in readiness for the alpacas over winter. I can't believe we're thinking about winter already. The grass is hardly growing though due to the lack of rain so we really do need to be careful.

I have been doing a spot of felting as I was almost out of felted stock, I need to get some more Hughie and Loki bits done ready for their trip out at the weekend. People usually like to buy things from the animals on show!

The babies are all growing nicely, I'm still trying to get a shot of all nine together without much success. Lady Godiva is really friendly, she is Gabby's daughter and the most gorgeous colour. Carol will be dying to get her hands on her fleece for knitting next year.

Talking of fleece I need to get some skirting done ready for Kelso show at the end of the month, maybe that can be added to tomorrow's job list.


John said...

I like that

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Come on Debbie, Mark has set the bar at 7 in a shot, lets see if you can get 9 posing! I'll stick with one this year...