Friday 22 October 2010

Cria photo's as requested

Just for Jayne I have been out with the camera today, after we spent the morning at the opticians that it. Paul is not satisfied with his existing incapacity's he thought he needed another. The optician has had to refer him to the hospital with his eyes now!!

Here we have (from left to right) little Minimus, next to Lady Godiva then Rory, my bottle fed boy. Minimus and Rory are both Gianmarco babies and Godiva is from Golden Guinea.Next we have Wynfor (from Legend of Spartacus) closest with Pearson (from Golden Guinea) in the background.
And finally in 'paddock condition' Casiphia, our only Legend daughter this year - you'd never actually believe she lived in the same field as the others would you. Her and Layla like to provide Ursula with a walking snack bar of leaves!


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Oh..the babies look lovely !! and the magnetic leaf field is working a treat on Casiphia !! ... I can't decide which one I like the best......little Minimus is so cute, mind you so is Godiva....and Rory so there you go...I like them all......I want some nice babies...I have to wait till next year !!....and brave the winter !!....roll on the spring !!.....Jayne

Unknown said...

By the look on Casiphia's face...she thinks the autumn look is rather cool!

Jeff said...

Lovely photo's Debbie! Love the colour of Lady Godiva.

Shirley said...

All lovely photos Debbie - and it was good to 'leaf' Casiphia until last! Take care. Shirley & Robbie

Patou Alpacas said...

Nice looking bunch Debbie.
Is Paul falling apart at the seams?