Thursday 21 October 2010

A good excuse to rummage

After a trip into Morpeth this morning to post an order I'd received to a very nice lady in Berwick and a supposed trip to the optician who hadn't turned up to work! I set about a few husbandry jobs.

The final three cria of the year needed their second lambivac injection which all went according to plan, when I eventually caught hold of Freyja, who decided that she didn't want stabbing. Injections is a great excuse to do some fleece rummaging, not that I really need an excuse.

Minimus has the most gorgeous golden fawn fleece with exceptional brightness. Unfortunately however, he has a kink in his tail so he wont be attending any shows in person, but maybe his fleece will make it into a fleece show somewhere!

Since I came back in to the house to warm up I have been sewing labels into the latest few batches of knitwear. I keep telling myself I won't let it pile up, but do it every time then it takes ages. I'm still printing off garment labels then they'll all need pricing up too. The jobs are never ending.

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I thought Minimus was a beautiful colour on the last you have any more recent photos...of your growing babies...its always a nice cheering shoot !!....I like to see them growing I've had none of my own this year !!......Jayne