Tuesday 13 March 2012

Squeeze chicken squeeze

With the mornings getting lighter I was up bright and early this morning, it might also have had something to do with the fact that Paul had to get up first - not something he likes doing so he always makes sure everyone knows he's up.  He did bring me a cup of tea though so I won't complain too much!

As part of the morning feeding process this morning I have put Hannah (sheep) back out, she is now better and happy enjoying the grass again - after a little encouragement to leave the conform of the shed.  A big bucket of feed was called for to walk her out of the yard.

Her shed companion is still in situe, I'm not very optimistic that her outcome will be so happy I'm afraid, but I'm not giving up on her just yet.

I cleaned the hens out early and told them that I expected lots of eggs to show their appreciation.  There were no extra eggs, just the usual three, however one was enormous.  As promised to all twitter followers here's the rather painful looking huge egg!
The next photo is especially for Judy who wanted some house photo's and an update.

As you can see the house is almost finished now, there are just a few minor things to be completed and a permanent solution to the water situation to resolve.  I will take a few indoor shots for you tomorrow; assuming I remember before it gets dark!


Cotswold Vale Alpacas said...

poor chicken that looks like it could have be quite painful!!

The house looks great (and the barn with all those solar panels) Well done

Judi B said...

The house looks almost there, bet you can't wait for it to be finished! How great to have your barn opposite the house, you'll be able to watch everyone without leaving the house!

Bev said...

Glad to see you've got some protection from the wind up there.