Friday 31 August 2012

Happy Birthday to me

Just a short blog tonight as I was trying to get Paul to do it but he won't!

Today is my birthday, I've been trying to convince my niece that I am actually 4, the same age as she is, as noughts count as nothing, but she wasn't having it!  I have been very spoilt, no soap this year (if you can't remember Paul's present from last year or don't undertand I suggest you go back 12 months).

I can't quiet believe I'm 40, where does the time go.  Of all the things I thought I would be doing when I was 40 breeding alpacas wasn't one of them.  Happily married with two or three children and a few pets maybe, but 70 alpacas, over 200 sheep, goats, cats and chickens not a chance.

I eventaually realised the children bit wasn't going to happen, so the animals became even more important and things have just grown from there I suppose and I wouldn't be without them.

Kealani's baby, who we haven't named yet is getting stronger and gaining weight which is good and is now able to feed from mum which is fantastic news.  It is still early days for her but things are certainly looking better than they were.

The girls have moved onto fresh grass today, I did take some photo's but don't tell Paul I can't find the camera to download them so they will have to wait until another night!  As you can imagine the girls didn't want any tea tonight as they were too busy stuffing nice fresh green grass down their necks.

On not such a nice note I have lost one of my cats today, Izzie is missing, so please keep everything crossed for her safe return.


Andrew said...

happy birthday ! Thanks for all your great blogs.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Happy Birthday to you ! Happy Birthday to You ! ... the Big 40 ! You kept that quiet ....hope you have had a wonderful day relaxing, whilst Paul does the work ......nice to hear the new baby is growing stronger ...Jayne

Unknown said...

Belated Happy Birthday Debbie...I'm not sure that you should have been in a fit state to type whilst celebrating your 40th!!

Shirley said...

Happy Birthday, Debbie. No doubt you got a long lie with Paul bringing you tea in bed? Shirley & Robbie

Judi said...

I second Shirleys comments but...mmm??! No, I think that Paul will be planning a full day of pampering but knew you'd be too excited to get the best from such a day on your birthday so it will be a surprise on a "non-birthday!"

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday Debbie - make it last all weekend!

Rosemary said...

A VERY Happy Birthday - sorry I am late with the best wishes!
Everything is well crossed here for Izzie!