Wednesday 8 August 2012

Relaxation is contagious

After Paul's lie in the other morning (and thanks for your support ladies; not so sure about your comments Rosemary!) I think the goats have been taking notes from Paul.  They can actually see into our bedroom as we still have no curtains. 

They have 25 acres of grass to graze and laze on, but instead they choose to sunbathe on the mud, which incidentally doesn't seem to have much seed growing.
The state of exhaustion seems to have been caught in the alpaca field too.  Imala was stretched out and Palm-Olive who is next to birth was struggling to keep her eyes open, she couldn't even be bothered to walk too far away from the poo pile! 

 Many of you, and in particular Rosemary will probably recall Paul's obsession with hay making.  Well I'm pleased to say at last our grass has been cut.
My super hearing heard a tractor and immediately knew it was in our hay field so thought I'd get Paul a little excited.  We was skipping round like a 2 year old so excited, it was so funny.
 We now have to hope for good weather so it can be flicky flicked and baled.
I've got to be honest even I got a bit excited about getting hay in the shed in readiness for winter.

This evening we have been to a vet talk put on by our vets all about sheep worming.  It was extremely interesting and the speaker was happy to apply it to our goats and alpacas, both of which are slightly different to sheep which was good of him.


Rosemary said...

Like your equipment - very superior hay making going on there! No lie ins now for Paul as it has to be constant weather watching interspersed with the odd panic

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

It's not our equipment Rosemary, far to flash for our few acres it belongs to our neighbour.