Tuesday 14 August 2012

Here comes the boys

Wow, it's been another hot and sticky day today, very still and no air and the main herd of girls have drunk an awful lot of water - we don't have the water troughs piped yet so we fill them with a bowser so it's easy to see how much in being drunk in a day.

Once I'd established that things were ok with Kealani, our only remaining girl due to birth we headed over to Hexham to get our new trailer sign and wheel cover we'd ordered.  Following the move to Liberty Hill Farm we have been steadily working our way through the literature updating our address and contact details.

Then this afternoon we nipped over to Morpeth (the opposite direction) to get a trailer load of hay, these are small square bales which are easy to move about in an emergency or if a quick drop is required.

I've also been out with the camera taking a few head shots.  I love cria head shots and I know they are always popular so I thought I would share a few.

First up we have Geena's little boy, whose name is still under debate.  He is such a cutie, although not wanting his bottle the last couple of days so he's in trouble!
Next is Chiquita's son, we are arguing, well more debating I suppose his name. 

And here we have Olly Impic, he's Gabby's son and a few days older than the other two.

The final head shot is from Seymour who is a year older and lives with the stud boys as we are hopefully that once he is fully grown he will be a working male so he needs to learn the ropes.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Great photos of the boys and I just love Olly Impic's name, I hope the other names are just as good ! ....Jayne

Unknown said...

Yes, great name and lovely photo too...love the ears!