Monday 25 January 2010

He's a big boy now

Sandstorm came running to greet me this morning, he was my best friend. He is obviously missing his mum slightly because after we exchanged kisses; yes I know this isn't the done thing to do for a macho boy, he checked me all over for milk supplies!!

He tucked straight into his breakfast though, and once they had all polished that off he wondered off with his old friend Heidi. We have sold Heidi (along will Aria and Milly) so she will be off to her new home shortly so he best make the most of her company now.

Little Miss Irraquoy doesn't seem to be missing her son at all. It amazes me how resilient they can be at times.

It had been another damp dank day so not much drying out has occurred, I want my fluffy alpacas back!


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

First night over !...ah, where will he go when, his friends leave !!...Jayne

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Only Heidi is off to a new home so he will stay with the others.